July 2022 Minutes
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Minutes taken by Councillor Eric Wells (Vice Chairman) at the Meeting of Carrington Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 26th July 2022, in Carrington Village Hall
Present: Councillor E. Wells (Vice Chairman), T. Morgan, A. Paul
Also present: 1 member of public
Public forum:
The member of public did not wish to speak
Outside bodies:
No reports received
Meeting started at: 7:00pm
In the absence of the Chairman Councillor Ken Rundle and Mrs Victoria Clark, the Clerk, Councillor Eric Wells as Vice Chairman took the meeting and also took the notes of the meeting.
1. Chairman’s remarks
The Chairman of the Meeting thanked those attending
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons were given to the Clerk from Councillors Ken Rundle, Jim Hayes and Tracie Ducker
On proposal from Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Morgan and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given
3. Declarations of interest: (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
No declarations given
4. Notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 24 May 2022: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Morgan, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of 24 May 2022 as a correct record of the meeting, and gave permission for the Chairman of the meeting to sign them
5. Financial matters: Previously sent to Councillors, to resolve as correct and authorise payments
a) Payments: To be approved
i. Friends of New Bolingbroke Church: Donation towards the upkeep of the church yard: £300.00 (s137)
On proposal from Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Morgan and with no objections, all resolved to approve the above payment which was budgeted for in November 2021
b) Receipts:
i. £300.00 from J & V Casey as payment for playground shelter
c) Bank statement 30 June 2022 £25,370.02
d) Online Banking: Update
The Council has been approved for online banking, as one of the safeguards, the Chairman will hold a cheque book in case needed
e) PSPS/East Lindsey District Council: Over payment of Precept update
The cheque sent from the council to repay the overpayment has been presented
6. Planning: Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this notice and the day of the meeting
No planning received
7. FixMyStreet, Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey
a) Directional signage on Main Road Carrington opposite Stickney Lane – 389877
This has been replaced
The Clerk to take it off the agenda
b) Extra signage on Stickney Lane heading towards the Main Road Carrington – 389874
This has been actioned
The Clerk to take it off the agenda
c) Foot lamp missing due to accident – ELC-2125006 – 4160206
No date for a replacement has been given
d) Resurfacing of footpaths
The highways officer that met with the Chairman and Clerk noted how bad the footpath North is. The Clerk will keep trying to get it on a works programme
e) Archers report and Speed limit reduction in Carrington and New Bolingbroke
The Clerk sent a copy to the police asking that they do a drive through more regularly.
The council will continue to request a reduction in the speed limit and also try to get the 50mph extended from before Stickney Lane in Carrington to just past Chapel Lane in New Bolingbroke.
8. Clerk’s reports, outstanding matters and new matters
a) Bollard & Sign for track from Village green to play area – To discuss and resolve
This needs a site visit and will be on the September Agenda
b) Village Gates and sign for New Bolingbroke – Update, discussion and resolution
The Chairman and Clerk met with a Highways Officer who approved a location and sent a location map and form for the council to complete.
This will be put on the September agenda
c) Owners cleaning up after their dog signs: To receive a report of prices of signs and resolve which one to purchase and the quantity
On proposal from Councillor Morgan, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved to purchase 8 signs from The Sign Shed at £6.96 each. Some of these signs will be sighted on the track behind The Crescent
d) War memorial Gardens: To discuss work needed and companies to approach
This will be on the September Agenda
9. Information and reports
a) LALCS New CRM System: An Introduction to the new CRM System – Via Zoom Wed 20th July 10am - 12pm
LALC have a new website system that will become Live in September, the old one will be there for a while.
The Clerk went on the course last week, she reported that it seems like a good system and LALC have lots of ideas going forward to give councils more information.
b) Notice boards: Positioning of new and discussion for old boards
To be put on the September meeting
10. Next meetings: To be discussed
Tuesday 27 September venue to be announced