January 2022 Minutes
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Minutes taken by the Clerk at the next meeting of Carrington Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 25 January 2022, in Carrington Village Hall commencing at 7:00pm
Present: Councillors Ken Rundle (Chairman), Eric Wells (Vice Chairman), Tracie Ducker, Jim Hayes, Andy Paul, and the Clerk to the council, Mrs Victoria Clark
Also present, one member of the public
Public Forum:
The member of public did not wish to speak
Apologies were received from County and District Councillors, Tom Ashton and Neil Jones
The Meeting started at 7:00 pm
1. Chairman’s remarks:
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies with reasons were given to the Clerk from Councillor Tim Morgan
On proposal from Councillor Hayes, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections all resolved to accept the reason given
3. Declarations of interest: (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
None received
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 23 November 2021 To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved to accept them as a correct record of the meeting, and gave
permission for the Chairman to sign them
5. Financial matters: Previously sent to Councillors, to resolve as correct and authorise payments
a) Payments: To be approved
i. LALC: ½ payment with Fishtoft PC Clerks CiLCA training: £120.00
ii. V Clark: Annual staff costs: £2,808.00
iii. Arien Signs: Notice Board: £1,849.20
Received after agenda was posted:
iv. T. A Blackamore: One off cut £200 & 12 cuts @ £65.00 for part year plus VAT: £1,176.00
v. Carrington Village Hall: Hall hire x 3: £21.00
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Ducker and with no objections, all resolved to approve the above payments
b) Bank statement and Cash book: 18 January 2021: £23,212.30
All members had previously received the above information and agreed with the
c) Online Banking: To discuss and resolve
It was discussed whether to apply for online banking and what extra risk/safeguarding should be put in place, these will be as follows and may be added to or changed:
The Clerk to send members a weekly screen shot of the current balance
Payments only to be made that have been approved or pre-approved
Members to be informed beforehand or as soon as possible
The cheque book to be kept for emergency purposes
On proposal from Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Hayes and with no objections, all resolved to approve applying for online banking with the above risk/
6. Planning: Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this notice and the day on the meeting
No applications have been received to date
7. FixMyStreet, Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey
a) Directional signage on Main Road Carrington opposite Stickney Lane - 389877
b) Extra signage on Stickney Lane heading towards the Main Road Carrington - 389874
c) Foot lamp missing due to accident – ELC-2125006 - 4160206
d) Resurfacing of footpaths
e) Speed limit reduction in Carrington and New Bolingbroke
The Clerk sent a letter to County/District Councillor Ashton asking for him to look into these issues.
For item C, East Lindsey District Council, property services replied with apologies that this is still outstanding, they are now looking for new contractors, the lamp is on the list but with no time scale.
The Clerk to ask Councillor Ashton if the County and District still have funds available for works or are they waiting for the new financial year.
8. Clerk’s report on outstanding matters:
a) Playground shelter: Update
Councillor Paul suggested that the shelter is sold and initially he will try to find a buyer
b) Becoming a Town Council: Update
Unfortunately, the legislation under the Local Government Act 1972, subsection 245b and 245b does not apply to joint councils, there are ways around this by splitting the parishes into separate councils.
All members agreed to stay as a joint Parish Council
9. Correspondence, events & Parish matters:
a) Queens Platinum Jubilee: Update from Village and Town Hall
The Clerk received an enquiry from Carrington Village as to whether the celebrations need to be over the June Bank holiday weekend to be considered for a grant as they plan to have celebrations in July.
All members agreed that July would be acceptable
b) LALC joint evening training, to discuss members available in Spring
All members of the council would be interested in a joint Councillor update session
from LALC under the training scheme with neighbouring councils in a local venue.
c) Need for signage on each entrance of the lane to the play area: To discuss & resolve
Vehicles are using the track running past the play area which could be a safety hazard
for anyone using the area.
It was agreed that a lockable bollard would be costed and if at the next meeting it is agreed to purchase one, then it would be placed on the corner of the track and keys
given to those that may need it in an emergency.
A metal sign stating “No Vehicle Access” will be purchased and erected near the track at The Green.
Councillor Hayes will speak to the farmer regarding the bollard
A letter to be sent to the residents near by if the bollard is to be erected
10. Future Proposed Dates 2022/2023
The Clerk gave the members a list of proposed dates for the remainder of 2022 and beginning of 2023 and asked if the council would like a separate Annual Parish
Meeting or have it before the Annual meeting of the Parish Council in May, the latter was agreed and would start at 6pm with LIVES being invited to make a presentation.
11. Next meeting: 29 March 2022
The meeting closed at 7:47pm