May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
2 Frith Bank BOSTON PE22 7BA – 07770 927309
Minutes taken by the Clerk at the Annual Meeting of Carrington Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 24th may 2022, in Carrington Village Hall
Present: Councillors K. Rundle (Chairman), Councillor E. Wells (Vice Chairman), T. Ducker, J. Hayes, T. Morgan, A. Paul and the clerk, Mrs V Clark.
Also present: 2 members of public
The meeting started at 8:00pm following the Annual Parish Meeting
1. To elect the Chairman for the ensuring year 2022/2023
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved for Councillor Rundle to continue as Chairman for the forthcoming year.
2. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Chairman to be witnessed by the Proper Officer
Councillor Rundle accepted the Chairmanship and signed the declaration of acceptance of office and the Clerk as Proper Officer signing as the witness
3. To elect a Vice-Chairman for the ensuring year 2022/23 and receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office from the Vice Chairman
On proposal from Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Hayes and with no objections, all resolved for Councillor Wells to continue as Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.
Councillor Wells accepted the Vice Chairmanship and signed the declaration of acceptance of office with the Clerk as Proper Officer signing as witness
4. Chairman’s remarks
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending
5. To resolve to close the meeting for the public forum and outside bodies
All agreed to close the meeting at 8:05pm
6. Public forum
No members of the public wished to speak
7. Outside bodies
No outside bodies in attendance and reports had been given during the Annual Parish Meeting before this council meeting
The meeting re-opened at 8:06pm
8. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
All members in attendance
9. Declarations of interest: (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
No declarations given
10. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 April 2022: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Hayes and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of 12 April 2022 as a correct record of the meeting, and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
11. Financial matters: Previously sent to Councillors, to resolve as correct and authorise payments
a) Payments: To be approved
i. ICO: Annual Data Protection Fee £40.00 (To be reimbursed to the Clerk)
ii. Bollard and no through road signs £84.21 (To be reimbursed to the Clerk)
iii. V Clark Reimbursements £6.33
iv. LALC: Website Maintenance VAT £30.00
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Hayes and with no objections, all resolved to approve the above payments
b) Receipts:
£37,450.87 received, 11 April an over payment from ELDC/PSPS of £27,450.87 for the Precept, arrangements for this overpayment need to be made.
c) Bank statement 30 April 2022 £27,192.86 & cash book (without over payment)
d) Grant application: To check and approve any application received
New Bolingbroke submitted a grant application form for £518.64 to go towards the costs of the Queens Platinum Jubilee Picnic
On Proposal from Councillor Hayes, seconded by Councillor Wells and with no objections all resolved to grant the money
e) Insurance: To discuss annual insurance renewal report received by the Clerk and resolve which quote to accept (Insurance due 1st June 2022)
It was agreed that the council should go with Zurich again at £320.24
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved to renew the insurance with Zurich
f) Online Banking: Update
Not yet approved
g) PSPS/East Lindsey District Council: Over Payment of precept update:
Due to PSPS/ELDC changing their mind on how the overpayment would be paid back, all agreed that the original cheque that was requested and raised would be sent to ELDC
12. Planning: Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this notice and the day on the meeting
Received after the agenda was posted:
S/29/00527/22: Extensions to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Churchside, Main Road, New Bolingbroke, PE22 7JU
The council had no objections
13. FixMyStreet, Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey
a) Directional signage on Main Road Carrington opposite Stickney Lane – 389877
LCC are sourcing a sign design to suit this in order to raise the works order for it to be installed
b) Extra signage on Stickney Lane heading towards the Main Road Carrington – 389874
There is a job in progress to arrange this and renew some give way signing at this location
c) Foot lamp missing due to accident – ELC-2125006 – 4160206
Still in back log
d) Resurfacing of footpaths
They are proposing these works for consideration in any future footway schemes
e) Speed limit reduction in Carrington and New Bolingbroke
This length of road has already been identified for review of the speed limit and is currently awaiting assessment
14. Clerk’s report on outstanding matters
a) Bollard and sign for track from village green to play area
Those that it would affect would be contacted
b) Village Gates for New Bolingbroke
A form has been requested from LCC and the Village sign will be added to the application
15. Information and reports
a) Playground shelter: Update from Cllr. Paul
The shelter has been removed and the ground made good and a payment of £300 paid into the council’s bank account
The Clerk mentioned that Councillor & Mrs Wells have been tidying the area and making the fencing safe. They would like to plant some wild flowers; the Clerk has a box for them to sow
b) Carrington Village Hall: Letter of thanks and information on Queens Jubilee 17 July 2022
The letter was read out
c) Sibsey Lancaster Memorial Trust: Letter of invite to the Memorial in the field
The letter was read out
16. Next meeting: Tuesday 28 June 2022 in New Bolingbroke Town Hall
28 June 7pm New Bolingbroke Town Hall
26 July 7pm Carrington Village Hall
Meeting closed at: 8:45pm