November 2024 DRAFT Minutes

Minutes taken by the Town Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the Meeting of Carrington and New Bolingbroke Town Council, which was held on Tuesday 26  November 2024, in Carrington Village Hall. 

Present: Councillors, Ken Rundle (Town Mayor), Tim Morgan, Richard Wiggall and the Clerk.

Also present: County/District Councillor Tom Ashton and District Councillor Neil Jones and one member of public

Public Forum:
No requests to speak

County and District council updates:
Councillor Ashton and Councillor Jones 
Updates on available funding and grants were given and forms can be found on the ELDC website.
During the recent icy weather 43 gritters spread 2,000 tonnes of salt costing £100,000.
Potholes continue to be dealt with, this has been helped due to the extra funding.
Street works continue to be reduced due to services communicating with each other whenever they can.

The meeting was opened at: 19:30

1.    Mayor’s welcome:
The Mayor welcomed all those attending

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons were given to the Clerk from The Deputy Mayor, Eric Wells, Councillor Andy Paul and Councillor Mike Forward, on proposal from Councillor Morgan, seconded by Councillor Wiggall and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given

3.    Declarations of interest: (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
None given

4.    Notes of the Town Council meeting held on 29 October 2024
To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Wiggall seconded by Councillor Morgan and with no objections, all resolved to accept the minutes as a correct record and gave permission for the Mayor to sign them

            CHAIRMAN: ……………………………………….   DATE: Tuesday, 28 January 2025
5.    Financial matters: Previously sent to Councillors, to resolve as correct and authorise payments
i.    Bank statement for 31 October 2024 £25,959.76 
ii.    Payments: To approve
a)    Darrens Groundcare & Maintenance £112.50
b)    V Clark Paper for micro museum £12.90
c)    V Clark Printer Ink £39.34 (this was reduced to £35.30)
On proposal from Councillor Morgan, seconded by Councillor Wiggall and with no
objections, all resolved to approve the payments and two councillors checked the paperwork and signed the payment schedule 
iii.    To receive 2025-26 budget and precept request 
All members had received the advised budget and precept amount from the Clerk and after discussion the advised budget and precept request was agreed. 
On proposal from Councillor Wiggall, seconded by Councillor Morgan and with no
objections, all resolved to request a precept amount  of £10,000 for 2025-2026

6.    Planning: Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this notice and the day on the meeting
No planning applications received 

7.    FixMyStreet, Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey
a)    Resurfacing of footpaths – To receive any updates 
A resident was informed by a highways officer after they had inspected potholes in the path in Station Row that they would be dealt with.
b)    Reducing the 60mph speed limit to connect both 50mph and reduction through New Bolingbroke: To receive any updates
As soon as a date in 2025 for the review is set, the Clerk will be informed 
c)    Overgrown bushes at Bus shelter and litter within: Update
Darren’s Groundcare & Maintenance has tidied the area

8.    Clerk’s reports, outstanding matters and new matters
a)    Village Gates, sign and posts for New Bolingbroke: Update
Gates being sent to be power coated and permission forms sent to Highways 
b)    To discuss jobs that need completing for Darrens Groundcare and Maintenance
Darren will paint the phone kiosk when the weather is warmer
The Clerk will ask him to check on the trees at the bus stop after new growth appears in 2025
It was agreed that if any other jobs come up in between meetings that cannot wait, the members will let the Clerk know who will circulate an email for approval.
In an emergency the Clerk has delegated powers to deal with any problems

9.    Information, reports and correspondence 
a)    Ownership of The Green: To receive any updates 
No updates or invoices 

CHAIRMAN: ……………………………………….          DATE: Tuesday, 28 January 2025

b)    Notice board for Carrington Village Hall: To receive any updates  
The hall secretary asked the council to remove the notice board from the store cupboard as soon as possible.
Councillors Rundle and CCS will try to deal with this as soon as possible when the weather and their availability allows.
The council thanks the hall for storing it for them
c)    Telephone Kiosk: Usage as a micro museum of the area. To receive any updates
Darren’s Groundcare and Maintenance has agreed to painting the kiosk in the warmer weather
d)    To discuss the costs, positions and maintenance of planters within Carrington and New Bolingbroke
This will be on the next agenda
e)    To discuss possible positions for defibrillators and costs 
The Clerk will speak to a local business to discuss the possibility of the council putting a unit on the outside of their property.

f)    To discuss pot holes on the green
The Clerk will speak to a local business asking if they would help with this 

10.    Defibrillator: To receive updates on checks and health 
Councillor Morgan will check the unit and suggested that along with reporting to the council at meetings, a book is kept and updated when the unit is checked or parts replaced.
The Clerk will purchase something suitable

11.    Next meeting/s: 
Tuesday 28 January 2025 New Bolingbroke Town Hall 7:00pm
Everyone was wished a Happy Christmas

The meeting was closed at 19:58