May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes taken by the Clerk at the Annual meeting of Carrington Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 4 May 2021, via video conference
(These notes will be checked at the next meeting, before the council approves them as a correct record)
Present: Councillor Ken Rundle, Councillor Tim Morgan, Councillor Andy Paul, Councillor Eric Wells, Councillor Ms. Tracie Ducker, Councillor Jim Hayes and the Clerk to the council, Mrs. Victoria Clark
The meeting started at 6:20pm
1. To elect a Chairman for the ensuring year 2021-2022
On proposal from Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Hayes and with no objections, all resolved for Councillor Rundle to continue as Chairman for the forthcoming year.
2. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Chairman, to be witnessed by the Proper Officer
Councillor Rundle accepted the Chairmanship, and it was resolved that Councillor Rundle as Chairman and the Clerk as Proper Officer, would meet in the next few days to sign and witness the declaration of office
3. To elect a Vice-Chairman for the ensuring year 2021-2022 and receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office from the Vice Chairman, to be witnessed by the Proper Officer
It was noted that Councillor Morgan wished not to continue as Vice Chairman, on proposal from Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Morgan and with no objections, all resolved that Councillor Wells be appointed as Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year
Councillor Wells accepted the Vice Chairmanship and it was resolved that Councillor Wells as Vice Chairman and the Clerk as Proper Officer, would meet in the next few days to sign and witness the declaration of office
4. Public Forum: To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 10 minutes, to allow Members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council
No Members of the public wish to speak so the meeting continued
5. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
All Members were present
6. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the localism act 2011. Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ register of interests
None received
7. Notes of the parish council meeting held on 30 March 2021. To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Wells and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of 30 March 2021 as a correct record of the meeting, and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
8. Financial matters: Previously sent to Councillors, to resolve as correct and authorise payments
a) Bank statement
31 March 2021 statement, previously sent to all Members, the sum of £14,658.14 was noted as the end of year balance
b) Cash book
Year ending 31 March 2021 previously sent to all Members and all agreed that the end of year figure matched that of the bank statement
c) Payments to be approved
1. S. Hurst - JTM properties for parish land maintenance £130.00
2. J. Jackson - Full year internal audit £50.00
3. Zurich Insurance – Annual Parish Council Insurance 1 June to 31 May 2022: The Clerk to amend some assets with the company and the new amount to be emailed to all Members and then paid
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved to approve the above payments
d) Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Agar) 2020 - 2021. To be approved, resolved and signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
All Members had received the AGAR with page 4, the completed Internal Audit report and the Chairman’s report from the Internal Auditor
1. Certificate of exemption, page 3, all confirmed that this was correct
On proposal from Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved to that the Chairman and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer, should sign them as correct
2. Section 1, page 5 – Annual Governance Statement, all agreed with items 1 to 9
On proposal from Councillor Hayes, seconded by Councillor Morgan and with no objections, all resolved to agree that the Chairman and the Clerk should sign them
3. Section 2, page 6 – Accounting statement, all agreed with the figures
On proposal from Councillor Ducker, seconded by Councillor Paul and with no objections, all resolved to agree that the Chairman and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer should sign them
9. Planning: Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received, and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this notice and the day on the meeting
No planning notices received
10. FixMyStreet, Lincolnshire Highways and East Lindsey
a) Directional signage on Main Road Carrington opposite Stickney Lane - 389877
b) Extra signage on Stickney Lane heading towards the Main Road Carrington - 389874
c) Foot lamp missing due to accident – ELC-2125006 - 4160206
d) Gouges in verges due to accident North of New Bolingbroke - 4160206
e) Speed limit sign at the junction of Occupation Lane and the main road in New Bolingbroke – ref: 391629
11. Clerk’s report on outstanding matters
a) Notice board purchase: To discuss and resolve
12. Correspondence, events and Parish matters
a) Maintenance of Parish land: To discuss and resolve
The Clerk to obtain 3 quotes
b) Playground shelter: To discuss and resolve
3 Councillors will meet at the play area, to discuss the problem and safety of young people climbing on it.
c) Speed limit reduction in Carrington and New Bolingbroke
The Clerk will contact those that can help with the procedure in the reduction of speed limits through both villages
13. Next meeting: To be discussed
The Members of the council all agreed that the June meeting should be cancelled due to the unknown risk with the pandemic, unless legislation changes allowing councils to meet via video conferencing once more and the July meeting will be assessed nearer the time.
As per the advice from LALC, it was resolved that the Clerk be given delegated powers to deal with business until the council can meet physically again, the Clerk to liaise with the Chairman and letting the Members know via email before action is taken